• 90% of spam is in English. A year ago it was 96%, so spam is getting more “international.”
  • 88% of all spam is sent from botnets (networks of compromised PCs).
  • 91% of spam contains some form of link.
  • 2/3 of of all spam is related to pharmaceutical products.
  • Think you’re getting more and more newsletters you never asked for? It’s not just you. Unsolicitied newsletters are increasing and is now the second most common type of spam.
  • Spam from webmail services like Gmail and Hotmail isn’t as common as you might think. Only 0.7% of spam is sent from webmail accounts.
  • 1 in 284 emails contain malware.
  • 1 in 445 emails are phishing emails.
  • As many as 95 billion phishing emails were in circulation in 2011.